Friday, December 10, 2010


You will not believe what I just went through! my Este had me FIXED! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? NO MORE CHA-CHAS...NO MORE OF ME AROUND...WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
The day she decided she had heard about Isa, her daughters big dog...and she had gone into "heat" whatever that must not have been good because the very next day she called the vet...gggrrrrr...and made THE appontment....ggggggrrrrrrr...the next day the man took me IN THE COLD MIND YOU... to the vet...ggggggrrrrrr...AND LEFT ME THERE!!!!
I had no idea what was going to happen to me. So in a while this vet gggggrrrrrrrr gives me sleepy medicine...awwwwwww and when I woke up "it" was all over but I felt so weird!!! sleepy,dizzy kind of like I did not know where I was or did not know who I was...I don't know how long they left me there but finally after what seamed for ever, my Este and the man showed up to get me. I WAS NOT HAPPY! I WAS STILL SLEEPY AND NUMB. But when the vet ggggggrrrrrr put me in my Estes arms aaaaawwww I felt safe. I still don't know how I fell about this chopping up business but you know what I discovered? when you have surgery you get SPOILED!!! :) Este held me all day and all night and all day the next day. I did not want to eat or drink so she gave me anything I wanted so I could recover. like milk shake and flavored water...he? On second thought I am glad there is only one me...YEAP! ONLY ME...ONE CHA-CHA.

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