Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Este took me on her latest trip. It was about time! We went to Lubbock Tx. were her daughter Ruthy lives with her family. Ali, her granddaughter had surgery on her lip...I don't know any thing about this stuff. The only thing I know is that on November the 8Th they all left me with the BIG DOG and were gone the whole entire day. :( I was MAD when they came back so I made a mess.
Then Ali came home the next day and they all fussed over her like crazy... I missed home and the man...any way I got to fly in an airplane again...and since the plane had to transfer in Dallas it was like we took 4 airplanes...up and down...up and down...up and down four times... I loved it :)
But let me tell you something that happen to me...It was little Alex's birthday and he decided he wanted to go to Chucky Cheese. So Este decided to take ME to the party. Do you know what that means? CHILDREN.....CHILDREN ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!!!!!!! OH MY TAIL!!!!! WHEN WE WENT IN I HAD NO IDEA WHAT THE PLACE WAS. ESTE HAD NEVER DONE THIS TO ME...I WAS SAFE IN HER ARMS BUT CHILDREN SCARE ME TO DEATH!!! I can take big people of all ages, I can take dogs of all sizes. But CHILDREN ARE LITTLE PEOPLE THAT PULL MY TAIL AND MY EARS, SCRATCH HARD ON MY SKIN, CHASE ME... OH MY, MY, MY. WHAT AM I DOING HERE?! I STARTED SHAKING FROM EARS TO TAIL AND IT WAS THEN, AND ONLY THEN THAT THE LIGHT WENT ON ON ESTE'S HEAD!!:0
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? IT WAS LIKE LIVING IN MY WORST NIGHTMARES!!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS HUMAN! The children were SO busy with their games so mostly no one touched me. WHAT A RELIEF!!!!
Any way we were there for about 4 hours. She held me all the time so I felt more calm and she gave me PIZZA :) THE MOST FABULOUS DOG FOOD EVER. SO I AM GOING TO FORGIVE HER FOR TAKING ME THERE. YUUUUUUMMMMMMYYYYYYY!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hey guys! you are not going to believe what I am doing now! Este took me to this place where all this cute people live...they all have white hair...and their skin is all wrinkle ... I think Este said they are grandmas and grandpas...so any way...we had to get out of our house because a man came to spray for spiders so I wont eat them. Shucks! I like chasing them don't you? :)

So Este told the man we were going to the store to spend his money...his face turn white when she said that! woooooof

We were on our way when all of a sudden she turn the car around and she took me into this big house...like I was telling you all this cute people saw me and wooooffff! they wanted to hug me, pet me, to put me on their laps, on their beds.

I'm telling you I did not know a place like this existed! lots of them are sitting on wheel chairs. I had only seen Este use one at the airport once when she feel down.

But a lot of this little old people were on wheel chairs or walking very slowly with this thingies they were pushing...very entertaining really.

So we went to see everybody we could, they pet me and pet me and pet me. I was so petted I did not know what to do. I am sooo cute......

Este said one of those ladies was the owner of OUR house before. I thought SOMEBODY ELSE HAD OUR HOUSE? WOOOF this humans are weird... they trade houses! can you believe that? dogs don't do that! they have to make us we don't do it voluntarily. WOOOOOF... So Este spent a long time talking to this lady while she was holding me on her bed...she was lying down...I feel asleeeeeeep! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I think I like coming here and Este promised we were going to try to do that more often. The oldy people liked it too, that made Este happy and making her happy is great. So what do you think?