Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Hi there, this is me again and today I am going to write to all your pets and tell them how to train their humans.

I am doing GREAT training mine. Esty thinks she is training me, but that is what I am letting her think. What she does not know is that I am training her hihihihihihihi :)

She decided to teach me how to "sit" so she got liver treats, she says: "sit cha-cha" and I sit and she gives me the treat, so now I come to her and with my front paws y touch her leg; she gets the treat and tells me to sit, I am already sitting down for goodness sake! so she gives the treat to me. And she does it every time I paw her leg!! so you tell me? who trained who? na na na na.

I also get her to give me little pieces of what she eats like potato chips, tortilla chips, corn nuts, french fries, bread, well everything; well she wont give in on the ice cream shucks!! but since she got the liver treats she has not given me any more table food, that is okay I like the treats better.

Yesterday she gave me a tooth brush, she knows I love the taste of mint, so she put a little of that stuff she uses to brush her teeth on my tooth brush and gave it to me. wow weeeeeeeeee I loved it! I think she is tricking me into something..... I have to find out what it is! Do you know?

The other day she took me to the VET I like going there because everybody loves little old me!

they just go: Oh how cute, look at those ears, hello Cha-cha! so I have a grand old time.

The same day she took me to the beauty shop and I really do not like that. They cut my claws and they bathe me, clean my ears, put perfume on me and a yucky bandanna around my neck. I wish Esty would stop that, when she picks me up I am shaking all over: brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb. But I know she loves me, I am the apple of her eye. She would not hurt me for nothing. She said that her FATHER also gets her cleaned and HE loves her very much. Do you know her Father? I think He must be the greatest. Esty talks about Him all the time. Can you help find out who is her Father and tell me please??

see you soon.......:)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Esty took me to the Major County Rodeo Parade. Have you ever gone to a parade? let me tell you!!!!

I am getting used to this, you know chihuahuas are not known for being very adventurous, we like it calm and quiet.

Esty got dressed in this blue tee shirt that she wears to go to political things, so I should have known that something was up, because then she put my political tee shirt on!

The man took us down town and left us there with a bunch of people that were all dressed in the same tee shirts. Now I should have really known I was in trouble!!

They had this big round things floating in the air (balloons), and baskets full of "goodies" the only thing I know is that those goodies must not be so good, they did not smell like biscuits or dog treats, so I just ignored them.

Oh! you have to hear this, Esty got me a dogie stroller, so I rode in it, it's pretty cool but I rather be in my Estys arms.

All of a sudden they all said: OKAY LETS GO! and I'm thinking... lets go were? I had no idea what was going on! I should have stayed home!!!!!!!!!

Esty started pushing my stroller with me in it, and all those other people all in a bunch walked and then IT started.

The first thing I heard was this horrible sound of a siren, Esty told me is okay cha-cha is just a police car.... then a huge red truck with hoses and ladders cabe by, all blasting their sirens really loud... I wass soooooo sssssccccaaaarrreeed!! I started climbing out of the stroller begging Esty to pick me up and take me out of there!!!!!! pppppllleasssssee mmmmmoooommmmyyyyyyyyyy

She took me out and held me all the time until all the noisy police, fire engines, ambulances passed by, then she put me back and a really weird guy came over to pet me. He was dressed in very funny clothes, all strippedy of many colors. He had huge red shoes and a big red nose, but he was really nice to me, so I was okay. At least it was not so noisy any more.

All of a sudden all the people dressed in blue, including my Esty and me took after this wagon pulled by this giant dogs, (Esty told me they are called horses) and we followed them for quite a while. WE WERE PART OF THE PARADE!!!!!!!!

Kids came over to see little old cute me to pet me and say "OH HOW CUTE!!!!!" We also had balloons tied to my stroller so we looked very parady.

Then I saw an enormous dog, coming right behind us. A great Dane, my Esty said. I think it was another horse really, no kidding, the thing was huge!! he passed us by so fast I almost thought it must have been a nightmare!!

The last thing we saw was right at the end of the parade. A bunch of oldy men with funny hats riding on little bitty cars crisscrossing on the street. They were like crazy kids running fast and honking their horns.

Let me tell you what this humans do for fun!!!! I don't know I think I am glad I am a dogie, it was so horribly hot I don't know how they stand it.

Oh well, I am back home now, peace and quiet, safe in my Estys arms, and even dough she takes me in this adventures, I love it, I know I'm safe with her. She said something abut her being safe in her Fathers arms also. He must be neat.

See you next time.......