Monday, July 12, 2010


Well hello again there. I am laying in Esty's arms while we write this post

Guess what I did this past weekend!? I WENT ON A BIG, HUGE, AIRPLANE!!!

My Esty takes me in the best adventures! I loved it!!! First we went in the car for a while and oh!! my suitcase was bigger than Esty's. She didn't have to carry her bed you know.

Any way, we got to the airport and Esty's man helped us down and checked in our luggage; then Esty and I went in and took a minute to...... you know.........tinckle..........I'm so embarrassed :)

but o well you have to do what you have to do!!!! I was not going to pee in an international airport.

So after that we passed through security, and EVERYBODY just fell over for me!! I was soooo cute, even the big old guards were smiling and petting me, I was so popular.

My Esty had to take her big earrings off because they were making a machine make an aughul sound, but after that we went trough okay.

She put her shoes and jewelry back on and put me back in my little pet carrier (pink of course) and we waited in gate 16 in Oklahoma city on our way to Dallas.

While we were there sitting. Everybody wanted to know about me, so Esty made lots of friends.

Then we got in the airplane. IT WAS LIKE A HUMONGOUS METAL BIRD...buuut I wasnnnnt scaaared or nooooothing ooooookkkkayyyy?

We took our seat and Esty put me under the front seat like the airline rules say.

In a little while this very nice man called a "flight attendant" came over and sat down and asked my Esty: what do you have there? oh she said is a little chihuahua, would you like to see her.

Oh please he said. then he asked can I please hold her? of course she said and they took me out of my carrier. He melted when he saw little old me!!!

Then he said to my Esty: I know what they told you the rules are. but I am the boss here in this one airplane. So you can hold her if you like, I have dogs and they would not be very happy under the seat.

Oh my Esty almost cried she said oh thank you, thank you so much and she smiled and carried me all the trip long.

When we got off in Dallas my Esty's sister went to pick us up and you know she got me the first thing and hugged me, kissed me yuuupiiiii!!! I am soooo loved in this family.

Then we went in her car with this "baby" now he scared me!! I dont know why but he is just a little bitty human. He pulled my tail!! He is soooo cute.

We went to another of my Esty's sisters house and we stayed there untill the OTHER children got there. They are Esty's nephews.

BOY O BOY O BOY!!!!!! the first thing after kissing eachother was WERE IS CHA-CHA? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

After that, forget it, they grabbed me and would not let me go. I just looked over at my Esty and said with my pleading little eyes: mommy save me!!!! but she said to me. you are okay baby. The boys love you, ok?

If she says I'm okay then I'm okay. And I was. They just held me and loved me, kissed me and took turns.

I would just be passed from one to the other until it got time for everybody to go night night, including ME!!!!! uuuuuuffffff I made it!!!!

The next day, oh my goodness, the same thing: TIA IS MY TURN TO HOLD CHA-CHA PLEASE!!??

But then they ALL went out to who knows were and left me all alone with the CAAAAAT!!!

But you know what that big old pussycat was scared of little old me hihihihihihihi.

We went to the other sisters house and spent that night there. The next day it was time to come home.

So they took us back to the airport and left us there. My Esty had to pull both suitcases, her purse and my carrier all by herself. She did great.

We checked in and went trough security again and EVERYBODY WAS LIKE UUUUUU AAAAAA HOW CUTE!!!! I have to get used to this!!!!

Then we took of to our gate No.3 and my Esty saw this automatic walker, so she went on it and you know what happened? SHE FELL DOWN!!!!

But there were all this people dressed in blue that were around her and helped her to get up, they made sure she didn't have anything broken and helped her to get off that walk way. then they took her to our gate.

I could feel Esty was shaking and so was I but she talked to me, and thanked God for taking care of us.

So we got into the huge iron bird again and flewwww back to Oklahoma were Esty's man was

waiting for us.

What an adventure. I can't wait to tell Chico all about it. He is my chihuahua friend next door and he NEVER gets out. Thank you Susan for giving me to Esty. She loves me so much :)

Friday, July 2, 2010


I had never been out of my city except to the vet. Last week my humans took me on a long, long I mean, looooong trip.

We got in the car and the thing I loved was that I traveled in my Esty's arms the whole entire way :)

I just cuddled up and sleept. When I woke up she played with me. We made a few stops so we both could... you know........ tinkle.... and then we kept on going and going and going.

I thought we would never get werever we were going. But finally we did. We stayed in this really pretty place, my Esty said it is a "hotel" I dont know what that means, the only thing I know is that we were not in the car anymore.

We ate, and went to bed. Ahhhhhh it was great!! I like this "hotel" thing.

The next day my Esty went to see her brother and I stayed with her man untill she came back, we just went to sleep,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

When she came back we took of again in the car to another town close by to se my Esty's daughter and family.

She has a husband and 3 children 11, 5, and 3. I like the bigone best. She held me most of the time we were there, I can tell she loves me. I love her too.

Everything was going great when all of a sudden... here comes this giant dog!!!!! They said she was a dog, to me it lookes like a giant in my worse nightmares!!!!!

She came out of this kennel and wow!!!! I burried my face in Alicias arms!!! Wwwwhhhhaaaaat iss thhhhaaaaaat!!!!?????

They let her smell me all over, and uuuuuuuuuuuuu she liked my butt!!!!!

I did'nt know this world was so big!! I didnt know there were such big dogs?? I thought I was a big feroceous dog!! but I'm not buhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Well now I know I'm not big, I know there is all kinds and all sizes of humans and dogs. But that is okay, as long as I am with my Esty I know she takes care of me and would not let anything bad happen to me.

That night we stayed in another hotel. So now I'm an experienced traveler:):) Hemm, hemm.

The next day we got in the car (again) and traveled, on and on and on, and you know were we ended up?

HOME !!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I am the cutest tea-cup chihuahua you have ever seen! My human loves me to pieces and I love her to licks and barks.

I came to this world April 27,2010. I was born so tiny that the vet said I was not going to make it. But a lady named Susan rescued me and took me home to her chihuahua Chico.

We were doing just fine untill some humans moved into the house next door. They became very good friends with my humans and the lady, Este, or Esty, would dog sit for me sometimes.

We fell over heals for each other, she is so much fun!!

One day Susan became overwhelmed with two dogs, being the wife of a lawyer running for judge, having sick grandchildren and all those other things that humans do.

So she gave me away to Esty!! I am sooooooooo happy in my new home. We play in bed, I like to chew her blanket. (I dont think her husband likes that about me), but he loves Esty, he will do anything for her.

I am training my Esty just the way I want her. I say "jump" and she says "how high" just the way I like it.

She does put me in that laundry basket dough, shucks!! I cant make messes in there!!!

Yeap! I know! is ALL about ME.

I will be telling you all about my adventures with my human in this blog. Tell me how you like my stories ok?